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4Ocean loggerhead sea turtle beaded bracelet

Pull a pound for the Loggerhead turtles. Loggerhead sea turtles spend most of their time in the open ocean and shallow coastal waters where they're highly likely to encounter plastic pollution. When you purchase a Loggerhead Sea Turtle Bracelet, you pull a pound of trash from the ocean, rivers, and coastlines while raising awareness about the impact of plastic pollution on these ancient marine creatures. Mint.

OCEAN FACT Newly hatched loggerheads are only two inches long, but grow into 3-foot-long, 250 pound adults.


  • Cord made from 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottles, including less than 5% reclaimed ocean plastic
  • Clear glass beads made from 100% post-consumer recycled glass bottles, including less than 5% reclaimed ocean glass
  • Stainless steel 4ocean charm
  • Hand assembled in Bali
  • Unisex, waterproof design
  • Adjustable from 2' to 5' in diameter

4Ocean #FOS038